The official start of Urmia Citadium along with the visit of the Governor of West Azarbaijan and the Governor of Urmia to this magnificent project.

Urmia Citadium hosted a group of local and regional officials on Thursday, January 21, 2016, including Mr. Mohammad Mahdi Shahriari, the Honorable Governor of West Azerbaijan, Mr. Hasankhani, the Governor of Urmia, and Mr. Mohammad Hazratpour, the Mayor of Urmia.

Also, the honorable Mr. Engineer Iraj Shahin Baher, the honorable mayor of Tabriz metropolis, the honorable Dr. Majid Khodabakhsh, the honorable governor of East Azarbaijan, the honorable members of the Islamic Council of Urmia, Mr. Abulfazl Zaadi, the chairman of the board of directors of Boka Holding (Mihan Factories) and the honorable Mr. Mirghani, the CEO Boka Holding was also present in this group and this is considered to be the first official introduction of Urmia Citadium in the region.

At the ceremony on Thursday, Mr. Engineer Bashir Anisi, CEO of The One Iranian Company, consultant and exclusive marketing and sales agent of the Citadium project, explained the specifications and features of this complex and the development strategies and implementation phases for the attendees.

The Citadium project, which started many years ago under the name Rozet, is currently the largest mall or shopping center in the west of the country in terms of area. This huge project, which has restarted with the investment of Boka Holding (Mihan Factories) and Urmia Municipality, is supposed to be operated in two phases. The design of this project was carried out by YAP Group, one of the most famous European designers and architects in the field of designing commercial complexes, in which they have tried to comply with international standards in the field of building shopping centers.

Also, the design of the parking lot on all floors of this complex aims to create a high level of comfort and well-being for the users. In addition to having commercial units, Urmia Citadium complex also has recreational service units such as restaurants and coffee shops, amusement parks and cinemas. The One Iranian company, along with consultants such as YAP as the project designer, TEAME company as a consultant for the preparation of promotional materials for the project, including mockups and animations, and the famous Carrefour brand called Hyperstar; It tries to provide services at the highest level of standard for a business complex.