Introduction of The One Iranian projects in Shiraz housing investment opportunities exhibition

As the first marketing and sales engineering company in the construction industry, The One Iranian participated in the international exhibition of investment opportunities in the construction industry. Inopex 2010 exhibition was held from 1st to 4th of February 2018 at the place of international exhibitions.

In this exhibition, which was held with the presence of Iranian and foreign companies active in the construction industry, The One Iranian Company participated with the aim of introducing marketing and sales engineering in the construction industry, and in addition to that, it introduced the projects of Chalus roof, Babolsar and Drak Shiraz. .

The way The One Iranians works and also the new way of presenting their projects attracted the attention of the visitors. In addition, the booth of Iranian runners was one of the biggest booths of this exhibition.

For more information about the projects under the management of The One Iranian Company, click here: