With the supervision and reviews carried out by the development management and operation management in the field of choosing F&B brands in the Citadium entertainment business complex, the Raftari group has taken over the management of the Citadium food hall.
Raftari Group is one of the most famous chain restaurant brands and one of the most popular chalukbabis in Tehran. This brand, with a history of more than a century in restaurant management and having several branches in Tehran, will start its new development of its brand in shopping centers, after managing the operation of the Bamland food court complex in Tehran, in Urmia Citadium.
Citadium is a space for the gathering of the best; which has invited the owners of the best Iranian brands to be present at the Urmia Citadium shopping center. The One Iranian, a strategic development consultant, along with Echelle Company as project management, reached an agreement with the Raftari group to manage the Citadium food hall complex by holding expert meetings, visiting and negotiating with reputable brands in the food industry of shopping centers.
Today, food courts have become an integral part of modern commercial centers and are basically one of the strengths and attractiveness of commercial and entertainment centers. It can be said that one of the main concerns of the builders of commercial complexes is the allocation of large spaces to food courts in order to attract more people and create vitality. On the other hand, the term food hall, which is used as a synonym for food court in some countries, has more or less confused the manufacturers and investors.
Food hall, like food court, has a wide common space, so that in some Asian and Pacific countries, these two concepts are used interchangeably, but the nature of these two concepts is different from each other, and here are some of these differences:
1. Food courts are basically defined and predicted in shopping centers, but food halls can be developed anywhere, which means that a food court is not defined anywhere outside of shopping centers, but the nature of the food hall is not dependent on the shopping center.
2. The food stalls of a food hall are under the management or ownership of a unit, while in the food court, different brands can operate under separate management.
3. In food halls, more local and better quality foods are offered, while in food courts there are often branches of fast food chains.
4. Only food is sold in food courts, but in food halls, especially in early food halls, groceries and agricultural products are also sold along with local foods.
The point of origin and the beginning of the activity of Kebabs Raftari goes back to the year 1289; When restaurant business in Iran has not found the concept of today and in the city of Tehran, there are only a handful of restaurants that can be called restaurants in the real sense. Haj Ali Akbar Raftari (grandfather of Nader Raftari) opens the first branch of Raftari Kebabs in Vahdat Islami Square inside Qawam Al-Dawlah Bazarche and in this way hosts and offers Iranian food to his customers. Perhaps Haj Ali Akbar Raftari did not have a vision of the current situation of Raftari Kebabs and its current position in the Iranian restaurant industry, but there is a common belief in the belief of all those who have managed this brand from the beginning until today, “Belief in providing the best services to all Customers and growing growth and development”, this initial belief has flowed in the thinking of the Raftari family and has brought achievements in every decade.
after some time, Kebabs Raftari moved from Vahdat Islami Square to Vahdat Islami St. and has been working there for 70 years. Paying attention to the hygiene of the food prepared in Kebabs was to such an extent that for the first time in Iran, customers’ visit to the kitchen before eating was considered their inalienable right. The kitchen in the dining hall was built in such a way that customers could easily visit it.
The favorable quality of Behbeh food, which was popular among Tehran residents, led to the development of Chalukbabi Behbehari, and in 1354, with the efforts of Mahmoud Behbehari (the pioneer of Iranian wrestling), major repairs were made in this place and it became a 4-story building with an area of 1560 square meters. where 50 workers were working. And in the meantime, with the death of Haj Ali Akbar Behaberi, the management of this brand is transferred to his children, Haj Abulqasem Behaberi and Haj Mahmoud Behaberi. The turning point of the Chalukbab Behabari brand occurs when Nader Behabari returns to Iran from England in 1364 with the intention of developing and strengthening the Chalukbab Behabari brand. According to him, this issue is one of the most important reasons for the success of anyone who wants to enter the restaurant industry.
At present Chalukbab Behavari is a popular brand among the people of Iran. Due to the success of branches of this brand in the city of Tehran, Vahdat Islamic Branch (Shapur), Saadat Abad, Dolat, Englebal, Bam Land and Darvaza Tehron, Behavari Brand Group is trying to The development of this brand while maintaining high quality in other cities of Iran and even outside of Iran is in their future plans. Due to its brilliant history and experience in the market, this group has been present in shopping malls as an operator of the F&B industry for some time in order to develop the behavioral brand. The first appearance of Behavi group in shopping malls as the operator of the food court complex was in Bamland, Tehran.
The One Iranian Company is the strategic consultant for the development of this project with opportunity studies and value engineering. According to the strategies proposed by this company, conducting market studies to obtain the types of tastes and behavior patterns in Urmia city, comprehensive and detailed studies of successful shopping malls in the world and equipping Citadium complex with international standards, choosing Citadium for eating and drinking space Collection (F & B), and simultaneous consultation with Eshel Company as operation management, the food hall concept will be operated with behavioral brand management in phase A.