Bashir Anisi received the entrepreneurship award in the field of services from the National Youth Organization. The National Youth Organization, Vice President, has organized the best Iranian youth festival.
The Iranian Youth Festival introduced successful and influential elites and young people in various branches. One of the branches defined in this festival is called “Young Entrepreneur”. Bashir Anisi was recognized as the best young Iranian in the field of young entrepreneurs in the field of services. She received her award from the vice president and the national head of the youth organization.
Bashir Anisi has received the best young Iranian award for defining new services in the construction industry. This service is called as the missing link of the construction industry by The One Iranian company. A circle that from now on, Engineer Bashir Anisi and The Ona Iranian will provide as the first engineering company for marketing and sales and building development management in Iran.
To learn more about the services of The one Iranian Company, read:
Marketing and sales engineering
Development services
Opportunity studies
The 5th National Festival of Public Relations Publications
A specialized public relations seminar was held in the conference hall of the Center for Intellectual Development of Children and Adolescents, located on Hijab St., Tehran, on 18 and 19 March 2018, in cooperation with The One Iranian Company and the Iranian Management Association, and held an exhibition next to the seminar hall.
In this exhibition, complete information about the projects of Babolsar, Bam Chalus and Drak Shiraz was provided to the visitors. By filling out a special form for additional information, the applicants requested to send more information about how to buy, payment facilities, terms of installments, cash price…
All the information needed to invest in this sector as: Email, fax, SMS and postal packages were sent to the applicants.