The first meeting of the Board of Trustees of the National Official Entrepreneurs Association was held on May 30, 1403. This meeting was attended by the chairman of the board of trustees of the association, the honorable minister of labor, 7 of the honorable deputy ministers from 7 ministries, the honorable deputy of the ministry of labor, the head of various funds including Shasta, heads of banks including Refah Bank and Cooperative Development Bank, general managers. It was held with the presence of 20 entrepreneurs from the major provinces of the country. In this meeting, the members of the National Association of Official Entrepreneurs presented their performance report and description of their activities. Also, they expressed very practical and operational suggestions in order to improve the entrepreneurship and employment ecosystem of the country in line with the policies of entrepreneurs and the 13th government. The National Center of Official Entrepreneurs is a private and populist institution that works to improve the field of activity of entrepreneurs.
In this meeting, the rulings of the members of the government board of trustees and the private members of this board of trustees, which include entrepreneurs selected by the election, were presented and announced by the minister. On the other hand, the website and the new version of Entrepreneur Festival was opened electronically by the Minister.
In this meeting, Mr. Bashir Anisi, on behalf of the entrepreneurs, proposed a plan to change the view of the validation of economic operators from the basis of bank guarantees to the basis of the amount of tax payment and the list and contractual social security insurance fees. This proposal was greatly appreciated by the members of the Board of Trustees and the Honorable Minister. Bashir Anisi, as the head of the Tehran Entrepreneurs’ Association and the vice-chairman of the National Association, considered this project as an engine for the growth of production activities. In this way, the accumulated capital in the country’s economy will become working capital, and business owners will have more incentive to declare their business insurance and taxes.