The general assembly election to appoint 6 members of the board of trustees of the entrepreneurs association of Tehran province was held in the first round on Tuesday, March 11, 2014, with the presence of the majority at the meeting place of the General Directorate of Labor Cooperatives and Social Welfare of Tehran province.
In this ceremony, a report on the actions of the Entrepreneurs’ Association in the past years, such as compiling a support package for entrepreneurs, launching the Association’s website, holding a series of meetings, publishing statements about business problems and following up on the problems of entrepreneurs through the officials, besides presenting the necessity of entrepreneurs’ participation in The center’s activities were presented. Also, Mr. Hamednia thanked the General Directorate of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare of Tehran province for supporting the entrepreneurs’ center, stating that Iran’s rank in the business climate index is 118, stating some of the problems. Entrepreneurs like usurious banking, goods smuggling, lack of financial transparency and lack of government support from the private sector.
At the end, 15 candidates for membership in the board of trustees explained their activities and plans, and then voting was done.
The names of the elected members of the General Assembly of Entrepreneurs Association
1- Mr. Majid Sayari, CEO of Mahan Institute
2- Mr. Gholamreza Habibi, CEO of Farzan Institute
3- Mr. Khosro Seljughi, Managing Director of Biotechnological Chemistry
4- Mr. Ruben Ghanipour, CEO of Fara Imtiaz Institute
5- Mr. Bashir Anisi, CEO of The One Iranian Company
6- Mrs. Somia Bagherbigi, CEO of Getty Afrooz Taban
Two of the top entrepreneurs were also elected as alternate members of the Tehran Province Entrepreneurs Association.