Engineer Anisi with the Mahan family

Engineer Bashir Anisi, CEO of The one Iranian Company, attended the Mahan Academy Academy members on the 3rd of August and held a seminar on improving organizational and personality skills. This training workshop was held in the Mahan Postgraduate Education Building, and Engineer Anisi was present in the presence of Mahan’s family, as one of the former colleagues of this institution, and spent energetic hours with other members.

The topics raised and the techniques used in this workshop, including the use of game theories in understanding the personality and morale of employees, were all aimed at improving the positive level of relations between employees and strengthening the spirit of the work group, which was well received by the participants in the seminar. confront with. According to engineer Anisi, people’s correct understanding of their own and their colleagues’ inherent characteristics will be very effective in improving intra-organizational relations. On the other hand, organizational skills can also be acquired, and the importance of training is very important in this matter.