Engineer Bashir Anisi among the members of the city’s engineering system

The first meeting of the series of entrepreneurship meetings and introduction of start-up businesses was held in the specialized civil working group of the Tehran Engineering System with the presence of engineer Bashir Anisi as a speaker.

The series of specialized meetings of the Civil Engineering Working Group of Tehran Technical Complex are held with different educational objectives, and this time, in the last days of March 2016, for the first time, the issue of entrepreneurship and start-up businesses was discussed in this group in a specialized manner.

The entrepreneurship conference, which was held under the initiative of Mr. Engineer Mojtabi Saber as the head of the panel, began with the speech of Mr. Rashidzadeh Engineer, head of the specialized civil engineering department, engineer Khatibi, a member of the organization’s board of directors, and engineer Elahi Far, deputy head of the civil engineering department. The title of the best national entrepreneur gave a description of the entrepreneurial process and the nature of start-up businesses, and explained concepts such as business angels and accelerators, and described successful examples of creative businesses at the international level that fit the expertise of the participating members. be; such as select company, which is a leader in the field of creating innovative concepts in the field of construction, and analyzed the success factors of these companies.

This two-hour meeting, which is an introduction to the series of future meetings with this topic, continued in the form of questions and answers, and the participants greatly appreciated the content of the workshop and the topics discussed.