Holding elections for the specialized commissions of the National Center for Top Entrepreneurs
Institutions are structures and mechanisms of order and cooperation that guide the behavior of human groups in certain communities. In this regard, the National Association of Top Official Entrepreneurs, as the only licensed entrepreneurial organization (based on the announcement dated August 11, 1401 of the Minister of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare), held the election of its specialized commissions. The main mission of this center is to create a think tank to help the country’s executive bodies in removing obstacles to entrepreneurship. Therefore, in order to create an efficient executive mechanism for institutional activities, the election of specialized commissions was held on Sunday, January 24, 1402. In this election, which was held with the presence of more than one hundred top entrepreneurs from all provinces, 27 people were elected as the board of directors for 9 specialized commissions.
These specialized commissions are:
1- Tourism, crafts and home business
2- Border dwellers
3- Employment of graduates, education and culture building
4- International entrepreneurs and exports
5- Improving the business environment, supporting entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs’ benefactors
6- Womens
7- Digital economy and new technologies
8- Agriculture and
9- Industries and mines
In this meeting, which was held with the presence of Mr. Mahmoud Karimi Biranvand, the deputy of entrepreneurship development and employment of the Ministry of Labor Cooperation and Social Welfare and the secretary of the National Board of Trustees of the National Association of Top Official Entrepreneurs, Majid Siari, President and Bashir Anisi, Vice President of the National Association of Official Top Entrepreneurs, the centers Top and top secretaries of provincial centers were honored, Tehran province’s official top entrepreneurs center headed by engineer Bashir Anisi was chosen as the top provincial center and its secretary Dr. Reza Naghizadeh was honored as the top secretary.
Bashir Anisi has started her activity in the field of entrepreneurship since 2005 and during these years she has been trying to provide the official platforms for the activities of entrepreneurs in the country. Exciting elections of specialized commissions after many years have been among the manifestations of the officialization of the activity of this center in the country.